Source: ogmneo-where.js

'use strict';

const _ = require('lodash');

    * @class OGMNeoWhere
class OGMNeoWhere {

        * Constructs a where object with an label.
        * @constructor
        * @param {string=} property - Name of the property that the filter will be applied.
        * @param {object} filter - Filter that will be applied. Example: {$eq: 'v'}. 
        Possible filters are: $eq(equals), $lt(lessThan),$lte(lessThanOrEqual), $gt(greaterThan), $gte(greaterThanOrEqual), $ne(not equals) and for string properties $regex, $startswith, $endswith and $contains.
    constructor(property, filter) {
        this._variable = 'n';
        this._clause = '';
        this._conditions = [];
        let obj = {};
        obj[property] = filter;
        this._appendCondition('', property, filter);

        * Convenience method that creates a where object with an property and a filter.
        * @static
        * @param {string=} property - Name of the property that the filter will be applied.
        * @param {object} filter - Filter that will be applied. Example: {$eq: 'v'}. 
        Possible filters are: $eq(equals), $lt(lessThan),$lte(lessThanOrEqual), $gt(greaterThan), $gte(greaterThanOrEqual), $ne(not equals) and for string properties $regex, $startswith, $endswith and $contains.
        * @returns {OGMNeoWhere} Created query with label.
    static create(property, filter) {
        return new OGMNeoWhere(property, filter);

        * Add AND filter constraint to this query object.
        * @param {string} property - Name of the property that the filter will be applied.
        * @param {object} filter - Filter that will be applied. Example: {$eq: 'v'}. 
        Possible filters are: $eq(equals), $lt(lessThan),$lte(lessThanOrEqual), $gt(greaterThan), $gte(greaterThanOrEqual), $ne(not equals) and for string properties $regex, $startswith, $endswith and $contains
        * @returns {OGMNeoWhere} This instance of query.
    and(property, filter) {
        let obj = {};
        obj[property] = filter;
        this._appendCondition('AND', property, filter);
        return this;

        * Add OR filter constraint to this query object.
        * @param {string} property - Name of the property that the filter will be applied.
        * @param {object} filter - Filter that will be applied. Example: {$eq: 'v'}. 
        Possible filters are: $eq(equals), $lt(lessThan),$lte(lessThanOrEqual), $gt(greaterThan), $gte(greaterThanOrEqual), $ne(not equals) and for string properties $regex, $startswith, $endswith and $contains
        * @returns {OGMNeoWhere} This instance of query.
    or(property, filter) {
        let obj = {};
        obj[property] = filter;
        this._appendCondition('OR', property, filter);
        return this;

     * The cypher representation of the where clause.
     * @type {string}
    get clause() {
        let clause = '';
        this.conditions.forEach((condition) => {
            let obj = {};
            obj[] = condition.filter;
            clause += ` ${condition.operator} ${this._conditionToQuery(obj)}`;
        return clause.trim();

    get conditions() {
        return this._conditions;

    get variable() {
        return this._variable;

    set variable(value) {
        if (_.isString(value)) {
            this._variable = value;

    _appendCondition(operator, property, filter) {
        this._conditions.push({ operator: operator, property: property, filter: filter });

    _conditionToQuery(filter) {
        if (!_.isEmpty(filter)) {
            let conditionsMap = {
                $eq: '=',
                $lt: '<',
                $lte: '<=',
                $gt: '>',
                $gte: '>=',
                $ne: '<>',
                $regex: '=~',
                $startsWith: 'STARTS WITH',
                $endsWith: 'ENDS WITH',
                $contains: 'CONTAINS',
                $in: 'IN',
                $exists: 'EXISTS'
            let property = _.first(_.keysIn(filter));
            let conditionKeys = _.keysIn(filter[property]);
            let conditions = filter[property];
            return conditionKeys.reduce((result, key) => {
                return this._propertyStatement(conditionsMap, conditions, result, key, property);
            }, '');
        return '';

    _propertyStatement(conditionsMap, conditions, result, key, property) {
        let operator = conditionsMap[key];
        let prefix = ((result !== '') ? result + ' AND ' : '');
        if (operator && this._isFilterValid(operator, conditions[key])) {
            let queryValue = '';
            if (operator === 'IN' && _.isArray(conditions[key])) {
                queryValue = `[${this._valueForArray(conditions[key])}]`;
            } else if (operator === 'EXISTS') {
                return prefix + ((conditions[key]) ? `EXISTS(n.${property})` : `NOT EXISTS(n.${property})`);
            } else {
                queryValue = this._valueOnQuery(conditions[key]);
            return prefix + `${this._variable}.${property} ${operator} ${queryValue}`;
        return result;

    _isFilterValid(operator, value) {
        var stringOnlyOperators = ['=~', 'STARTS WITH', 'ENDS WITH', 'CONTAINS'];
        if (_.includes(stringOnlyOperators, operator)) {
            return _.isString(value);
        }else if (operator === 'IN') {
            return _.isArray(value);
        }else if (operator === 'EXISTS') {
            return _.isBoolean(value);
        return true;

    _valueOnQuery(value) {
        if (_.isNull(value)) {
            return 'null';
        } else if (_.isString(value)) {
            return `'${value}'`;
        } if (_.isDate(value)) {
            return `${value.getTime()}`;
        } else {
            return `${value}`;

    _valueForArray(array) {
        return array.reduce((result, current) => {
            if (_.isString(current) || _.isNumber(current) || _.isNull(current)) {
                return result + `${(result === '') ? '' : ','} ${this._valueOnQuery(current)} `;
            return result;
        }, '');

module.exports = OGMNeoWhere;