Source: ogmneo-operation.js

'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
    * @class OGMNeoOperation
class OGMNeoOperation {

    constructor(cypher, type, object, then) {
        this.object = object || {};
        this.cypher = cypher || '';
        this.then = then;
        this.type = type || OGMNeoOperation.READ;

    static get READ() {
        return 'READ';

    static get WRITE() {
        return 'WRITE';
    get isReadType() {
        return this.type != null && this.type.toUpperCase() == OGMNeoOperation.READ;

    get isWriteType() {
        return this.type != null && this.type.toUpperCase() == OGMNeoOperation.WRITE;

    get cypher() {
        return this._cypher;

    set cypher(value) {
        if (_.isString(value)) {
            this._cypher = value;

    // can be read or write operation
    get type() {
        return this._type;

    set type(value) {
        if (this._isValidType(value)){
            this._type = value;
        } else {
            throw new Error('The type cannot be null or undefined and must be a string with either value  \'READ\' or \'WRITE\'');

    _isValidType(type) {
        if (type != null && _.isString(type)) {
            let uType = type.toUpperCase();
            return uType == OGMNeoOperation.READ || uType == OGMNeoOperation.WRITE;
        return false;

    get then() {
        return this._then;

    set then(value) {
        if (_.isFunction(value)) {
            this._then = value;

    get object() {
        return this._object;

    set object(value) {
        this._object = value;

class OGMNeoOperationBuilder {

    static create() {
        return new OGMNeoOperationBuilder();

    type(value) {
        this._type = value;
        return this;

    cypher(value) {
        this._cypher = value;
        return this;

    object(value) {
        this._object = value;
        return this;

    then(value) {
        this._then = value;
        return this;

    build() {
        return new OGMNeoOperation(this._cypher, this._type, this._object, this._then);

module.exports = { OGMNeoOperation : OGMNeoOperation, OGMNeoOperationBuilder: OGMNeoOperationBuilder };